Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Do I Love Reading?

I've been thinking about this for awhile, ever since reading students' beginning of the year surveys and seeing that one of the questions they had for me is about why I like reading, and I was trying to figure out how best to explain how I feel. I think this poem does it.
Why Do I Love Reading?

Why do I love reading?
Because it takes me
to other places
Because it lets me
escape from this world
when I want a break
Because it entertains me
in so very many ways
Because it lets me
experience things I might not
outside of a book

Why do I love reading?
Because it helps me learn
about myself
and the world around me
and my place
in it
Because it lets me live
so many lives
other than the one
I have been given

Why do I love reading?
Because it helps me know
I am not alone
Because it lets me know
that other people have
experienced what I have
felt like I have
loved like I have
cried like I have
wanted like I have
laughed like I have
struggled like I have
and thought like I have
Because it lets me know
that people have done
all of those things
in ways I could never
and helps me understand
those around me

My students ask
Why do you love reading?
and it's not a simple answer
because it's so much more
than just a book
it's so much more
than just words on a page
it's so much more
than just sentences put together
it's so much more
important to me

Why do I love reading?
Because I know it saves kids
Because it gives them an outlet
Because it helps them see
different ways to live
and it helps them see
ways not to live
and it helps them imagine
what they might do
in a situation
so that they don't
have to experience it
for themselves

Why do I love reading?
Because it helps my students
escape from
the struggles of adolescence
Because it helps them
do something that can be
Because it gives them
a safe outlet
something to
spend time on
that will help them

Why do I love reading?
Because it helps me know
about people
Because it helps me know
about the world
Because it helps me
develop empathy
insight and
knowledge and
experience and
hope and
it lets me become
a better person

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